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The access to public information under Law nr.544/12.10.2001

The public information is any information which relates to, or resulting from the business activities of public authorities or public institutions, whatever their support or form or manner of expressing the information.

Are except from access for citizens the following information:
a) information from national defense, public safety and order, if they are part of classified information by law;
b) information about deliberations of the authorities, and those concerning economic and political interests of Romania,if are part of classified information by law;
c) information regarding commercial or financial activities, if advertising is detrimental to the principle of fair competition law;
d) information about personal data by law;
e) information about the procedure during criminal or disciplinary investigation, if it jeopardizes the outcome of the investigation to reveal confidential sources or adjustment and life-threatening, physical integrity, health of a person, after investigation conducted or ongoing;
f) information about legal procedures, if advertising is detrimental to ensuring a fair trial or legitimate interest of any of the parties to the proceeding;
g) information whose publication prejudice youth protection measures;
Everyone has the right to request and obtain from the authorities and public institutions, public information made in write or verbally.
Ultima actualizare 07.02.2025